Richard was not able to make Poole week this year but John Ellis took on the organising duties for the cruise and did a great job, Here is his account of the day together with attached photos provided by Dave Rabbetts and John Chubb
It was an overcast morning at lake pier with very little wind but with the forecast of better to come thirteen hopefuls signed up for our annual cruise around Poole harbour. On the mention that we had an unlucky number to start the cruise Ruth volunteered to stay ashore (nothing to do with the rain that had just started). Editor's Note - oh yes it was!
So as the rain luckily ceased the remaining dirty dozen left shore and started beating in the direction of Wareham. David M was first to turn around and head back with the remaining eleven all making the rounding of Giggers island helped by a higher tide than we have experienced in the last few years. We then returned to lake pier and collected our lunches for the planned picnic stop at Shipstal point.
With the light wind it had been difficult to make good use of the harness and Owen and Russel decided they had had enough. So it was that the remaining nine made it to Shipstal point for a rest and a pleasant lunch on the beach having been on the water for about two hours. Much discussion and checking phones for weather updates then took place as we started to accept that the forecast had changed and that the wind gods had failed us. It was unlikely we would be able to round Brownsea and keep sailing with the tide so It was then decided we would push on and round the bottom of Long Island where we would have a last option of abandoning the cruise.
With no improvement in wind strength we agreed to shorten the cruise and Steve and Dave R returned to base and the remaining magnificent seven of Andy, Dave G, Joe, John C, John E, Maurice and Simon headed to Hamworthy for refreshments.
Suitably refreshed we then had a short beat back to base finishing the cruise about two hours earlier than originally planned. With everybody accounted for and plenty of smiley faces it had been a frustrating short but enjoyable day on the water.
John Ellis