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2013 John Chubb and Joe.JPG.p.jpg

Membership is open to anyone over 35 years old. Subscriptions at present are £12 per household.

An entry fee of £15 or £17 is charged at each racing event, a proportion of which is usually donated to our supported charity.

To download and save a Membership Form, right click and select 'Save Target As'. The form is in Acrobat format (email if you need another format)

A copy of the Seavets constitution can be downloaded here

General Data Protection Regulations

A closed (Seavets Members only) group has been created on Facebook to provide a forum for members to exchange views, information, photos, etc. Currently there are 68 members. If you want to join, you have to be registered on Facebook, then search for Seavets and ask to join. If you have a problem contact, Jean or Ruth.

A second linked group has also been added for Seavet Social Sailors - more details on the Social Sailing Page.


If you are concerned about privacy and security on Facebook check out their advice here. If you want to limit your activity and number of friends then remember that you can confine who asks to be your 'Friend' to friends of friends, so if you are choosy about who you allow to be your friends you should not be pestered by people you have never heard of. I guess that you could have no friends or only one friend, but haven't tried that myself - just say no to friend requests.

Seavets has to comply with the GDPR regulations so we have produced our own policy document and are making sure that any data we hold is held securely. 
You can also see the policy here. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any of the contacts named in the policy document if you have any queries. 

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