We are hoping to visit Calshot once more 12/13/14 September. Those on Richard's cruising list will already know. We are having a bit of difficulty making the booking but hopefully this will be resolved soon. Our current understanding is that we need to book AND pay £48 hours in advance i.e. by Friday 9th September. The cost will be £66 for the three days; the cost for less than 3 nights is to be clarified but it may still be the £66! Update: Barbara hopes you only pay for the nights you stay.
If you want to come can you please make sure that I know ASAP by email to steveisafletcher@gmail.com cc. Richard on richardandsuewilliams@hotmail.com and Barbara Humberstone on barbara.humberstone@btinternet.com. Payment details will be advised once the arrangement is confirmed.