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Thirteen make it to Farmoor - 3 Aug

There was an excellent turnout of thirteen sailors at the August Farmoor event. The weather was benign with a reasonably steady NW wind around Force 3 with the occasional stronger gust. Russ and Nick fought it out for the top two places with Russ taking top spot on countback. John Chubb has mastered his new orange sail (Loft?) and Joe also sailed well on his - this could be the new standard for light wind racing? We also welcomed recent member Farmoor graduate from Kerry and Russ Monday sessions, Bram Hauer who successfully completed all four races. Overall another really enjoyable day's racing - it will be a shame for us when the jetstream moves back north!

Series results on the Results page.

My Garmin watch track showed about 16 miles over the four races, speed nothing exciting towards the rear of the fleet:

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