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Winter Lunch

Owen Dimond is once again organising the Winter Lunch is to be held on Thursday 15th February 2024. As last year this will be preceded by the AGM. The venue is:

The Wheatsheaf Hotel North Waltham Basingstoke RG25 2BB

Please note this is NOT the same venue as last year but is close by. The AGM will start at 11:30am.

Please select your meal choices from the menu below. You may select as many courses as you wish!

Any problems with reading the menu below please go to the website.

Drinks to be purchased on the day.

I will need to know if you are coming and have your orders by the 15th January. Email me on Please total up your order and add £3 per person for a service charge. Please transfer your total payment into the Seavets account. (40-13-10 Acct 21408682) with a ref Winter Lunch.

Owen Dimond

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