Ten of us did our customary Xmas bike ride round Windsor this week. Those present were, Joe, John E, Kerry, Adrian, Simon, Andy, Russ, Janet & Rod plus myself. We set out from the Palmer Arms at Dorney on a bright but cool morning and headed East along the Jubilee river towards Eton, after crossing the famous playing fields we made way through the college and along the high street before pausing at the bridge for mulled cider, mince pies and a team photo.

After this pleasant break we headed back West along the Thames towpath towards Dorney rowing lake, the Eastern entrance to the lake was locked so we had to skirt round it on a rather muddy and slippery track. We then crossed the river on a wooden bridge which luckily was not as slippery as they had put non-slip down since our last visit.
We then made our annual visit to Bray lake for a coffee, after this we tried to cross the river again alongside the M4, but due to ongoing road works the track was closed, so we headed back to the wooden bridge and took a short cut back to the pub. This made the ride a bit shorter than the normal 15 miles.
We had pre-ordered our lunch and this was quickly served and seemed to be enjoyed by all